Thursday, November 29, 2007

Troubles with Travels

So, now I sit in the San Jose airport striving to return to the gool ole U.S. of A. This multi-day attempt to return to my homeland has been full of struggle. My mother likes to think that my recent tribulations are a sign that I should not be in Costa Rica, however I like to think that it is more of a sign that I should not return to my homeland. NOT THAT I DON"T WANT TO SEE EVERYONE, in fact, that is the only motivation for my is just that I truly feel like I have found a wonderful place to call home: Montezuma, Costa Rica. And, it is hard for me to feel so torn.

But, I am ready to board a plane now. I had to change my original flight, that was the first of many interesting changes for this seemingly easy trip home. So, I changed my flight and was ready to spend 11 days home. I left Montezuma yestermorn, knowing that I was cutting it close time-wise. I coughed up the money for a taxi and got more than I hoped for. About halfway through the trip from Puntarenas to the airport I was robbed by a police officer. Not a normal happening, at least I don't think. Actually I don't believe it was a "real" police officer, and I am convinced that my taxi driver was in on the deal. So, now I have no Christmas presents, no ATM card, no camera, no IPOD to return to Dad, no large sleeve shirts for the cold I am about to return to, and no backpack. Luckily it was only material items...

But, I missed my flight yesterday. That meant that I had to spend one night in the city of Alajuela, which is not a bad place to be, but surely not the beach I left yestermorn. But all of that is in the past and now I am patiently waiting to board this long-awaited flight to Dallas and then to BWI. I am keeping my fingers crossed that today is a much smoother day than yesterday.

I hope to see lots of friends and family this week. I will be bouncing around Maryland and DC, so let me know when we can play together!