Sunday, September 02, 2007

Ok, maybe not the end

I love sitting at my parents' house in Ocean City surrounded by my beach-loving clan. Yesterday, as I drove with my cousin to pick up our carry-out dinner, I thought about how different our thoughts must be as we sit and sing the newest hit pop song that bellows from my mom's car radio.

She (an eighth grader) and me (an almost 30 year old woman) certainly have different thoughts running through our minds. But, surprisingly (or maybe not if you know me well) we utterly enjoyed each other's company as we build sandcastles on the beach and talk about life under sunbeams. We even came home and ended a glorious beach day with some abdominal work, stretching, laughing and more talking.

I don't feel that much older than an eighth grader some days, but then reality strikes hard. Reality hit hard this morning as I heard myself conversing with my uncles and father about "refinancing" and "interest rates". As this conversation took place I couldn't resist glancing at my eighth grade cousin to see what she was doing during that "adult" conversation. Not to my surprise, she was juggling a soccer ball in the grass as my dog stared at her longingly.

It is weird to be me these days, for large parts of me long to go back to juggling soccer balls in the grass. But, then again there is another large part of me that wants to hang with the "adult" conversation about money, real estate and love. I am stuck in the middle now, but know that reality won't let me turn back into an eighth grader. I will only get older and will only continue with those adult conversations...that is inevitable.

What I don't believe is inevitable is how I feel about reality. I can easily be a part of those adult conversations that take place on the deck as I juggle a soccer ball from the grass. And, I want to be that "girl" for many more years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you were having phone problems the day you left, I tried to call you once I was thru security but never could reach you. Hope all is good, and glad to hear that you have a place to live. Either emaill or blog whenever you can.